Zang-Tabi Village

Zang-Tabi Village in Meta –Cameroon-Africa
  • Headquarter of Meta Clan: Located about 17 km from Mbengwi-Bamenda North West Province
  • English Speaking region of Cameroon Africa
  • Leader: HRH FON JA Tabi and CLAN HEAD’S of Meta
  • Main official Languages: Meta, English, Peguin English and French

Current Issues Of Importance
Clean water:
Access to clean water is very limited, Gideon and his family installed some pipes from the natural spring, which helped the situation, but still people have to line up or go long distances to get clean water.

Zang-Tabi needs better schoolhouse facilities and qualified teachers.

Health Care:
Zang-Tabi needs a medical facility with qualified medical doctors.

Church rebuilding:
The Zang-Tabi church has about 100 members and has 4 offspring churches, each with 50 people of less. The roof of the church was destroyed last year by bad weather, and they are now rebuilding, partly with funds that Valley contributed.

Despite a very limited standard of living, people are not unhappy.


  1. Roads
    Roads to the Royal palace still desire a lot of improvement
    Roads inter-village connection basically winding paths.Roads transportation Zang Tabi village and the Meta clan are far from expectation.

  2. What solution do you think can help? in Cameroon like in many other cities around the world, many people in big cities misuse clean water in their homes by wasting great quantity on the ground with no controle, while in the villages, people walk/trek miles just to get a very small quantity of contaminated water for drinking, bathing and general household use, some don't even have access to that contaminated water.

    So we took some time to shoot this short video to show how it happens. Watch the video at:

    What solution do you think can help?
