Father, Grand father and Founder of the JOHN RETREAT CENTER CAMEROON (JRCC)-NGO. HQ Kwojeoh, Mbengwi, Momo Division, Bamenda North West Region of Cameroon, Africa IAW Law No.99/014 of 22nd December 1999 Tel-651-331-1947 Official Publication E-mail us at: jrcca@ymail.com
Education and Awareness: Founder’s vision is, teach a child how to fish, you give him or her life, and Joy. Via the Village Libaray Project:
Mission: We are here to serve not waiting to be served. Goal: Undertaking new approaches to sustainable agriculture and Soil restoration (in Zang-Tabi village, Momo Division, North -West region –Cameroon, to feed every child that needs food in every rural part of the World.
Father, Grand father and Founder of the
HQ Kwojeoh, Mbengwi, Momo Division, Bamenda
North West Region of Cameroon, Africa
IAW Law No.99/014 of 22nd December 1999
Official Publication E-mail us at: jrcca@ymail.com
Education and Awareness: Founder’s vision is, teach a child how to fish, you give him or her life, and Joy. Via the Village Libaray Project:
Mission: We are here to serve not waiting to be served.
Goal: Undertaking new approaches to sustainable agriculture and Soil restoration (in Zang-Tabi village, Momo Division, North -West region –Cameroon, to feed every child that needs food in every rural part of the World.